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The Ember's Echo :: Chapter 1: The Fading Light - Part 3

A Storm Gathers. Lyra follows Thorne’s advice and prepares for the journey to the Whispering Woods.

The results are in, and the readers have spoken! Lyra follows Thorne’s advice and prepares for the journey to the Whispering Woods. Read on to see what awaits them!

Chapter One: The Fading Light - Part 3

Lyra's hands moved with practiced efficiency as she packed her satchel—a change of clothes, flint and tinder, a waterskin, a small pouch of dried fruit and nuts, and her spellbook—a slender volume filled with painstakingly copied cantrips and minor charms. Her fingers hesitated over the Resonance Key; the Aethyrial symbols moved fluidly around the outer rim of the cold, smooth stone. 

Her mind began to wander… "Why did that stranger throw the stone towards me?" she thought. "It doesn't make sense. I wonder if -" she snapped back to the present moment as she heard a knock at her door that made her look up. Master Thorne stood in the doorway, his own travel-worn pack slung over one shoulder. "Ready, lass?"

Lyra nodded," As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose."

Thorne's eyes crinkled with a mixture of pride and concern. "That's the spirit. Now, one last thing." He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small object wrapped in cloth. As he unfolded it, a glint of silver could be seen.

"Your mother's pendant," Thorne said softly, holding out the delicate chain. A small crystal hung from it, its facets catching the light. "I've been saving it for when you were ready."

Lyra's breath caught in her throat as she took the necklace, memories of her mother—faded but cherished—flashing through her mind. She fastened it around her neck, feeling a warmth emanating from the crystal as it settled against her skin.

"Thank you," she whispered, blinking back tears.

Thorne squeezed her shoulder. "She'd be proud of you, Lyra. Now, let's be off before this storm hits."

They made their way through Lumina's winding streets, the usual bustle muted by the approaching tempest. The sky had darkened to an ominous gray, and Lyra could taste the metallic tang of ozone in the air. As they neared the city gates, a peal of thunder rolled across the heavens, making her jump.

"Not natural, that," Thorne muttered, his eyes scanning the roiling clouds. "We'd best make haste."

They passed through the gates, nodding to the guards who eyed them curiously. The road leading to the Whispering Woods stretched before them, a ribbon of packed earth that soon gave way to overgrown grassland. In the distance, Lyra could see the first gnarled trees of the forest, their branches twisting and swaying in the rising wind.

As they walked, Thorne's voice took on a serious tone. "Lyra, there's something you should know about the sage we're seeking. Magda... well, she and I have a bit of history."

Lyra glanced at him," What kind of history?"

Thorne cleared his throat. "Let's just say we didn't part on the best of terms. She's... unconventional in her methods. Brilliant, mind you, but not one to play by the rules of the Arcane Academy."

A flash of lightning illuminated the sky, followed almost immediately by a deafening crack of thunder. Fat raindrops began to fall, quickly turning into a downpour.

"Blast it all," Thorne growled, pulling up his hood. We need to find shelter quickly. The woods are still a good three hours from us."

Lyra squinted through the curtain of rain. Through the gloom, she spotted a flicker of light off to their right. "Look!" she shouted over the storm. "There's something over there!"

Thorne followed her gaze, his expression wary. "Aye, I see it. Could be a farmhouse, though I can't quite make it out."

They stood at a crossroads, both literal and figurative. Lyra felt the hum of the Resonance Key in her satchel, its presence a constant reminder of the importance of their journey. But the storm raged around them, and unknown dangers could lurk down whatever path they chose.

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